Monday, May 20, 2019

Practice Activities: Grammar, Writing Mechanics, & Typing - 2019

 Skills Practice Activities
Level Tests

Specific Quizzes

More at:

Throughout the rest of the semester, I encourage you to practice particular parts of language mechanics that are challenging for you.  Create a Google doc in your folder called 'Your Name - Learning Practice Documentation'.  Upload descriptions and screenshots of activities you've complete.

Please add other useful sites to this list by commenting below.

Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verb is the name given to an English verb which is composed of two or three words. One verb is combined with a preposition (like on, in, under) or an adverb (like up, down, away). Sometimes a phrasal verb can have a meaning that is very different to the meaning of at least one of those two or three words separately



Collocations are partly or fully fixed expressions that become established through repeated context-dependent use. Such terms as 'crystal clear', 'middle management', 'nuclear family', and 'cosmetic surgery' are examples of collocated pairs of words.

Lists & Guides
Collocations 1
Collocations 2
Collocations 3
Collocations 4
Collocations 5
Collocations 6
Collocations 7
Collocations 8
Collocations 9
Collocations 10
Collocations 11
Collocations 12
Collocations 13
Collocations 14
Collocations 15

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